Teaduslikud artiklid euroopa naaritsast
- Iñigo Zuberogoitia, Madis Põdra, Santiago Palazón, Asuncion Gómez, Nestor Zabala and Jabi Zabala (2018). Facing Extinction, Last Call for the European Mink. Ann Rev Resear. 2018; 2(2): 555581
- Madis Põdra and Asunction Gómez (2018). Rapid expansion of the American mink poses a serious threat to the European mink in Spain. Mammalia. 10.1515/mammalia-2017-0013
- Haage, Marianne; Maran, Tiit; Bergvall, Ulrika; Elmhagen, Bodil; Angerbjörn, Anders (2017). The influence of spatiotemporal conditions and personality on survival in reintroductions–evolutionary implications. Oecologia, 183 (1), 45−56.10.1007/s00442-016-3740-0.
- Kiik, Kairi, Maran, Tiit; Nemvalts, Kristel; Sandre, Siiri-Lii; Tammaru, Toomas (2017). Reproductive parameters of critically endangered European mink (Mustela lutreola) in captivity. Animal Reproduction Science, 181, 86−92.
- Harrington, L. A.; Põdra, M.; Gomez, A.; Maran, T. (2017). Raising awareness of the plight of the critically endangered European mink in Spain is not miscommunication: a response to Melero. Biodiversity and Conservation, 27 (1), 269−271.s10531-017-1419-4.
- Maran, T.; Põdra, M.; Harrington, L. A.; Macdonald, D. W. (2017). European mink: restoration attempts for a species on the brink of extinction. In: Macdonald, D.W.; Newman, C.; Harrington, L.A (Ed.). Biology and Conservation of Musteloids (370−389). Oxford: Oxford Univ Press.
- Powell, A. R.; Ellwood, S.; Kays, R.; Maran, T. (2017). Chapter 8. Stink or swim: techniques to meet the challenges for the study and conservation of small critters that hide, swim, or climb, and may otherwise make themselves unpleasant. In: Macdonald, D.W.; Newman, C.; Harrington, L.A (Ed.). Biology and Conservation of Musteloids (216−231). Oxford: Oxford Univ Press.0.1093/oso/9780198759805.003.0008.
- Kiik, Kairi; Maran, Tiit; Nagl, Astrid; Kneidinger, Nadja; Tammaru, Toomas (2017). Behavioural studies of critically endangered European mink (Mustela lutreola) in captivity. CT13.3.
- Kiik, Kairi; Maran, Tiit; Nemvalts, Kristel; Sndre, Siiri-Lii; Tammaru, Toomas (2017). Breeding of European mink (Mustela lutreola) in captivity. In: .10th Baltic Theriological Conference, Tartu, Estonia; 28-30.09.2017.
- Kiik, Kairi; Maran, Tiit; Kneidinger Nadja; Tammaru, Toomas (2016). Social behavior of endangered European mink (Mustela lutreola) litters in captivity. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 182, 61−71.10.1016/j.applanim.2016.06.004
- Zuberogoitia, Iñigo, Põdra, Madis, Palazón, Santiago, Gómez, Asun, Zabala, Nestor, Zabala, Jabi (2016). Misleading interpretation of shifting baseline syndrome in the conservation of European mink. Biodiversity and conservation 2016 v.25 no.9 pp. 1795-1800
- Sisco Mañas, Asunción Gómez, Santiago Palazón, Madis Pǒdra, Berto Minobis, Olga Esther Alarcia, Jordi Casal, Jordi Ruiz-Olmo (2016). Are we able to affect the population structure of an invasive species through culling? A case study of the attempts to control the American mink population in the Northern Iberian Peninsula. Mamm Res, 61: 309.
- Knuuttila, A.; Aaltonen, K.; Virtala, A-M. K.; Henttonen, H.; Isomursu, M.; Leimann, A.; Maran, T.; Saarma, U.; Timonen, P.; Vapalahti, O.; Sironen, T. (2015). Aleutian mink disease virus in free‐ranging mustelids in Finland ‐ a cross‐sectional epidemiologic and phylogenetic study. Journal of General Virology, 96, 56−61.10.1099/vir.0.000081.
- Leimann, A; Knuuttila, A; Maran, T; Vapalahti, O; Saarma, U. (2015). Molecular epidemiology of Aleutian mink disease virus (AMDV) in Estonia, and a global phylogeny of AMDV. Virus Research, 199, 55−61.10.1016/j.virusres.2015.01.011.
- Remm, L.; Lõhmus, A.; Maran, T. (2015). A paradox of restoration: prey habitat engineering for an introduced endangered carnivore can support native biodiversity. Oryx, 49 (3), 559−562.10.1017/S0030605314000271.
- Nagl, Astrid; Kneidinger, Nadja; Kiik, Kairi; Lindeberg, Heli; Maran, Tiit; Schwarzenberger, Franz (2015). Noninvasive monitoring of female reproductive hormone metabolites in the endangered European mink (Mustela lutreola). Theriogenology, 84 (9), 1472−1481.10.1016/j.theriogenology.2015.07.023.
- Cabria, Teresa Maria; Gonzalez, Elena G.; Gomez-Moliner, Benjamin J.; Michaux, Johan R.; Skumatov, Dimitri; Kranz, Andreas; Fournier, Pascal; Palazon, Santiago; Zardoya, Rafael (2015). Patterns of genetic variation in the endagered European mink (Mustela lutreola L., 1761). BMC Evolutionary Biology, 15:141.
- Sisco Mañas, Asunción Gómez, Victoria Asensio, Santiago Palazón, Madis Pǒdra, Jordi Casal, Jordi Ruiz-Olmo (2015). Demographic structure of three riparian mustelid species in Spain. European Journal of Wildlife Research .Volume 62, Issue 1, pp 119–129
- Harrington, Lauren; Põdra, Madis; Macdonald, David; Maran, Tiit (2014). Post-release movements of captive-born European mink Mustela lutreola. Endangered Species Research, 24, 137−148.10.3354/esr00590.
- Kiik, Kairi; Maran, Tiit; Nagl, Astrid; Ashford, Kadri; Tammaru, Toomas (2013). The Causes of the Low Breeding Success of European Mink (Mustela lutreola) in Captivity. Zoo Biology, 32 (4), 387−393.10.1002/zoo.21062.
- Põdra, M., Maran, T. Sidorovich, V.E., Johnson, P.J. ja Macdonald, D.W. (2013). Restoration programmes and the development of a natural diet: a case study of captive-bred European mink. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 59 (1), 93 −104.DOI10.1007/s10344-012-0653-z.
- Haage, M.; Bergvall, U.A.; Maran, T.; Kiik, K.; Angerbjörn, A. (2013). Situation and context impacts the expression of personality: The influence of breeding season and test context. Behavioural Processes, 100, 103−109.10.1016/j.beproc.2013.08.009.
- Maran, T.; Põdra, P. (2013). Establishing new populations of European mink in Hiiumaa and Saaremaa Island, Estonia. In: Priptal S.Soorae (Ed.). Global Re-introduction Perspectives: 2013, Further case-studies from around the globe (159−163).. Abu Dhabi: SSC Re-introduction Specialist Group and Abu Dhabi, UAE: Environment Agency-Abu Dhabi..
- Kiik, Kairi; Maran, Tiit (2013). Reproductive parameters of captive European mink (Mustela lutreola). In: .Conference on the Biology and Conservation of Wild Mustelids, Skunks, Procyonids and Red Pandas, 18 – 21.03.2013, Oxford, UK.
- Madis Põdra, Asunción Gómez, Santiago Palazón (2013). Do American mink kill European mink? Cautionary message for future recovery efforts. European Journal of Wildlife Research, Volume 59, Issue 3, pp 431–440
- Kiik, Kairi; Maran, Tiit; Nagl, Astrid; Ashford, Kadri; Tammaru, Toomas (2012). Breeding success of European Mink (Mustela lutreola) in captivity.
- Santiago Palazón, Yolanda Melero, Asun Gómez, Javier López de Luzuriaga, Madis Podra and Joaquim Gosàlbez (2012). Causes and patterns of human-induced mortality in the Critically Endangered European mink Mustela lutreola in Spain. Oryx, Volume 46, Issue 4 , pp. 614-61
- Cabria, M. T.; Michaux, J.R.; Gomez-Moliner, B. J; Skumatov, D; Maran, T.; Fournier, P; Lopez de Luzuriaga, J.; Zardoya, R. (2011). Bayesian analysis of hybridization and introgression between the endangered european mink (Mustela lutreola) and the polecat (Mustela putorius). Molecular Ecology, 20 (6), 1176−1190.10.1111/j.1365-294X.2010.04988.x.
- Kneidiger, Nadja; Schwarzenberger, Franz; Nagl, Astrid; Ashford, Kadri; Maran, Tiit (2011). The influence of captive conditions on the reproductive behaviour of male European mink (Mustela lutreola). 8th INternational Conference on behaviour, physiology and genetics of wildlife: 8th INternational Conference on behaviour, physiology and genetics of wildlife; 14th – 17th Sepbember, 2011; Berlin, Germany. Ed. Schumann, A; Seet, S; Jewgenow, K.; Hofer, H. Bonn: Leibnitz Institute of Zoo and Wildlife Research , 93.
- Maran, Tiit (2010). Small, brown but worth of the effort: recovery of the European mink in Estonia. In: Gerald Dick, Markus Gusset (Ed.). Building a Future for Wildlife: Zoos and Aquariums Committed to Biodiverstiy Conservation (145−150).. Gland, Switzerland: Wolrd Association of Zoos and Aquariums.
- Maran, Tiit (2010). Schutz des Europäisches Nerzes in Estland. ZGAP Mitteilungen, 2, 6−7.
- Maran, Tiit; Põdra, Madis;Põlma, Merje;Macdonald, David (2009). The survival of captive-born animals in restoration programmes – Case study of the endangered European mink Mustela lutreola. Biological Conservation, 142, 1685−1692.
- Becker, L.; Nieberg, C.; Jahreis, K.; Peters, E. (2009). MHC class II variation in the endagered European mink Mustela lutreola (L. 1761) – consequences for species conservation. Immunogenetics, 61:281-288.
- Maran, Tiit (2007). Conservation biology of the European mink, Mustela lutreola (Linnaeus 1761): decline and causes of extinction. (Doktoritöö, Tallinna Ülikool). Tallinn: Tallinna Ülikooli Kirjastus.
- Cabria, T. M.; Gonzalez, E. G.; Gomez-Moliner, B. J.; Zardoya, R. (2007). Microsatellite markers for the endangered European mink (Mustela lutreola) and closely related mustelids. Molecular Ecology Notes, 7, 1185-1188.
- Bonesi, L.; Harrington, L. A.; Maran, T.; Sidorovich, V. E.; MacDonald, D. W (2006). Demography of three populations of American mink Mustela lutreola in Europe. Mammal Review, 36, 98−106.
- Maran, T. (2006). Conservation of the European mink in Estonia: an update 2001–2003. International Conference on European mink (Mustela lutreola). Lorogno, 2003. Lorogno, 131−142.
- Põlma, M.; Maran, T. (2006). Interspecific aggressiveness of European mink (Mustela lutreola) and American mink (M.vison): provisional results of experiments in captivity. International Conference on the Conservation of European Mink (Mustela lutreola): International Conference on the Conservation of European Mink (Mustela lutreola), Lorogno, 2003. Lorogno, 199−207.
- Põdra, M.; Kõlamets, L.; Solovej, I.; Sidorovich, V. E.; Maran, T. (2006). Feeding ecology of released European mink in Hiiumaa Island 2000–2003. International Conference on the Conservation of European mink (Mustela lutreola). Proceeding Book: International Conference on the Conservation of European mink (Mustela lutreola)., Logrono, Spain, 2004. Logrono, 187−207.
- Michaux, J. R.; Hardy, O. J.; Justy, F.; Fournier, P.; Kranz, A.; Cabria, M.; Davison, A.; Rosoux, R.; Libois, R. (2005). Conservation genetics and population history of the threatened European mink Mustela lutreola, with an emphasis on the west European population. Molecular Ecology, 14, 2373-2388.
- Maran, T.; Põdra, M. (2005). Kiskjate taasasustamine liigikaitse meetodina: põhimõtted ning Euroopa naaritsa (Mustela lutreola) taasasustamisprojekti analüüs. Sammul, M.; Lõhmus, A. (Toim.). Ökoloogiline taastamine (229−253).. Tartu: Eesti Looduseuurijate Selts. (Loodusuurijate Seltsi Aastaraamat).
- Põdra, M.; Maran, T. (2004). Ökoloogilisi aspekte euroopa naaritsa, Mustela lutreola, saaremise asurkonna rajamisel Hiiumaal 2000 – 2003. Sügiskooli materjale (23−40).. Tallinn: Eesti Terioloogia Selts. (Eesti Ulukid; 9).
- Maran, T. (2003). European mink: setting of goal for conservation and Estonian case study. Galemys, 1−11.
- Peltier, Didier; Lode, Thierry (2003). Molecular survey of genetic diversity in the endagered European mink Mustela lutreola. C. R. Biologies 325, S49-S53.
- Macdonald, D.W.; Sidorovich, V.E.; Maran, T.; Kruuk, H. (2002). European mink, Mustela lutreola : analyses for conservation. Oxford: Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, University of Oxford.
- Davison, A.; Brookes, R. C.; Griffiths, H. I.; Maran, T.; Macdonald, D. W.; Sidorovich, V. E.; Kitchener, A. C.; Irizar, I.; Villate, I.; Gonzalez Esteban, J.; Cena, J. C.; Cena, A.; Moya, I.; Minano, S. P. (2000). Mitochondrial DNA and palaeontological evidence for the origins of endangered European mink, Mustela lutreola. Animal Conservation, 3 (4), 345−355.
- Maran, T. (2000). European mink. In: Reading, R.P.; Miller, B. (Ed.). Endangered animals: A reference guide to conflicting issues (101−106).. Westport: Greenwood Press.10.1336/0313308160.
- Davidson, A.; Birks, J.D.S.; Maran, T.; MacDonald, D.W.; Sidorovich, E.; GRiffith, H.I. (2000). Conservation implications of hybridisation between polecats, ferrets and European mink (Musteal spp.). In: Griffiths, H.I. (Ed.). Mustelids in a modern world: mangement and conservation aspects of small carnivore: human interactions (153−163).. Leiden: Backhuys Publishers.
- Blomqvist, L.; Maran, T. (2000). A regional collection plan for mustelids in Europe. Small Carnivore Conservation, 22, 13-15.
- Maran, Tiit (1999). Loodusliku mitmekesisuse kaitse ex-situ vahenditega. Loomastik. Külvik, M.; Tambets, J. (Toim.). Eesti bioloogilise mitmekesisuse ülevaate (country study) materjale (310−317).. Tartu: Eesti Põllumajandusülikool.
- Maran, T.; Polma, M.; Kruuk, H.; Macdonald, D. W. (1998). Diet of two species of mink in Estonia: Displacement of Mustela lutreola by M. vison. Journal of Zoology, 245 (2), 218−222.
- Sidorovich, V.; Kruuk, H.; Macdonald, D.W.; Maran, T. (1998). Diets of semi-aquatic carnivores in northern Belarus, with implications for population changes. In: Behaviour and Ecology of Riparian Mammals (177−190).. London: Cambridge University Press. (Symposia of the Zoological Society of London; 71).
- Maran, T.; Henttonen, H. (1995). Why is the European mink (Mustela lutreola) disappearing? – A review of the process and hypotheses. Annales Zoologici Fennici, 32 (1), 47−54.
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